Recent News & Events

Office Hours on Friday, December 23

Due to tomorrow’s uncertain road conditions, the decision on whether to open our offices will be made tomorrow morning between 7:30-8:30 am.  Please look here for updates. If we do close our offices, our Support Staff will contact patients with pre-scheduled appointments to reschedule them.

Offices Closed Early Thursday, December 22

Due to the predicted extreme winter weather, we are closing our offices early today, Thursday, December 22, at 3:00 pm. Continue to monitor this site for any updates about Friday, December 23 office hours. Our on-call provider is available for urgent matters by phone at 847-295-1220.

Special Holiday Office Hours

Lake Forest Pediatric Associates wishes you and your family a very Happy Holiday Season! During the holidays, we will have limited office hours. Please see below for the schedule. Our on-call provider is available 24/7/365 for urgent matters. Please call 847-295-1220 for assistance.

Farewell to Dr. Carlino

We must unfortunately share the news that Dr. Carlino will be leaving the practice. Her family is relocating out of state, near Indianapolis. Dr. Carlino joined Lake Forest Pediatrics in the summer of 2019 and has been a wonderful part of our team.

Welcome to Dr. Conway!

We are pleased to announced that Dr. Oren Conway has joined our practice. He is currently getting oriented to our practice and EMR system, and we anticipate him beginning to see patients the week of 11/28. Dr. Conway brings 45 years of pediatric experience with him,

Farewell to Dawn

We must share the unfortunate news that Dawn Ribnek will be leaving the practice. Dawn had clinical hours as a student at Lake Forest Pediatrics and joined the practice as a Nurse Practitioner in December 2002. She has been beloved by staff and patients and we wish her nothing but the best and we hope she enjoys a much shorter commute to and from work.

Thanksgiving Holiday Office Hours

All of us at Lake Forest Pediatric Associates wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving Holiday! We are grateful for you and for the trust you place in us throughout the year. Enjoy your family time together as we celebrate the many blessings of the past year.

2022 Flu Clinics

The influenza (flu) season starts in the fall and usually ends in the spring. Because the flu is caused by a respiratory virus, it can spread rapidly, causing symptoms such as a sudden fever, chills and body shakes, headache, body aches,

Independence Day Office Hours

All of us at Lake Forest Pediatric Associates wish you a Happy Independence Day! We hope you enjoy family time together as we celebrate our nation. In honor of Independence Day, we will have limited office hours at the Lake Bluff Office (urgent care only).