Post Date: 1568347200
Status: live
Take action to prevent influenza! The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that all children ages 6 months and older are vaccinated for influenza for the 2019-2020 season, preferably by the end of October. Influenza vaccines are not licensed for infants younger than six months, and so to protect them it is important that the people around them are vaccinated and that their mothers receive the influenza vaccine during pregnancy. Scientific studies support the benefits of flu vaccination:
The influenza vaccine…
can keep you from getting sick with influenza.
can reduce the risk of influenza-associated hospitalization and death for children and others.
can be life-saving in children. Up to 80% of pediatric deaths from influenza were in children who were not vaccinated.
has been shown to reduce severity of illness in people who catch influenza.
can protect people around you, including people who are more vulnerable, like babies, young children, and those with impaired immune systems
can be given to children with an egg allergy
At Lake Forest Pediatric Associates, we have just opened up four influenza immunization clinics along with nurse appointments. Appointments are available on a daily basis beginning on Monday, September 16, 2019.
It’s not too early for your child’s influenza immunization! Call us at 847-295-1220 now for best availability