Post Date: 1584417600
Status: live
It is after careful thought and deliberation that we must temporarily cancel our morning walk-in visits. This was an incredibly difficult decision to reach after having successfully provided this service for over 40 years. We do so, however, to protect the health and well-being of your families and our staff.
We have been able to meet your needs with our Sunday/Holiday pre-booked sick appointments and will use this format to continue to treat ill children during the COVID-19 crisis. In follow-up to our previous notice, please find our modified schedule, for all our offices, below:
- 7:45am: Phones go on
- 8am-10:30am: Sick visits BY APPOINTMENT ONLY – NO WALK INS
- 11am – noon: Follow-up visits (non-respiratory sick visits such as ear rechecks, rashes, concussions), well visits, and ADHD visits.
- Noon – 1:30pm: Closed for lunch
- 1:30pm – 3:45pm: Well-child and checkup visits. All patients coming to these visits must be free from fever, runny nose, and coughing. Anyone arriving with those symptoms will be asked to reschedule their appointment.
- 4:15pm – 5pm: Sick visits BY APPOINTMENT ONLY – NO WALK INS
We greatly appreciate your trust and support as we adjust to the ever-changing demands this outbreak has caused on health care delivery.