Your Own Doctor or a Walk In Clinic?

Post Date: 1401163200
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As your child’s healthcare providers, you can be sure that we focus on the health of your child and family. Some of our patients have tried the retail-based clinics often found in pharmacies and other retail locations. These clinics pride themselves on getting patients in, making a quick diagnosis, and getting patients out the door with purchased medications in hand. You should know that our practice and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) have some concerns.

The American Academy of Pediatrics has taken a strong stand against Retail-Based Clinics, stating that it “opposes retail-based clinics as an appropriate source of medical care for infants, children, and adolescents and strongly discourages their use.”

The AAP supports a model of care called the medical home, which provides accessible, family-centered, comprehensive, continuous, coordinated, compassionate, and culturally effective care for which the pediatrician and family share responsibility.

Retail-based clinics don’t have access to your child’s complete medical history and are making diagnoses based on incomplete information.

Retail-based clinics are staffed by nurse practitioners or physician assistants with no physician on site to help these providers. While our nurse practitioners had a full two years of pediatric-specific training, there is no minimum pediatric training required of these practitioners at the retail clinics. Lake Forest Pediatrics will only staff Board Certified physicians and pediatric nurse practitioners.

No one reviews these clinics for compliance and quality issues the way that our office is reviewed.

There is no such thing as a “minor illness” when it comes to children. We use these “minor illness” visits to identify other, potentially more serious issues. We also use this time with you to stay current on the events in your family and child’s lives.

Getting routine care for your child should be done by your pediatrician who knows you and your family.

Our office works hard to ensure that we meet your needs as your children’s medical home. We’re open 365 days year (including Sundays and holidays), and can usually accommodate same-day appointments. You can be sure that you will get the highest quality care from us, in a way that works for you and your family. We welcome your suggestions about how we can serve you better, and we thank you for your trust.